Manoa Falls

An easy hike through a rain forest rewards visitors with a beautiful waterfall. Located in Manoa Valley seconds from Lyon Arboretum the Manoa falls trail ascends a couple hundred feet ending with a cascading waterfall.

The short half an hour hike is back dropped by a lush green tropical rain forest. Many birds and exotic plants are easily spotted along the main and adjacent trails.

Manoa Falls

Although the hike is fairly easy frequent rains can make the trail both slick and muddy. Swimming in pools is not advised due to leptospirosis warnings. There is also the chance of mosquitoes especially after hard rains.

For visitors seeking a more advanced hike there is another trail which branches off and up to the left directly before the falls. Basic trail maps are visible and the terrain can be challenging at times. Bamboo forests and overlooks of Manoa Valley are dotted throughout the trail

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